Our mission is the education of children and youth

Our mission is the education of children and youth

On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, the introductory conference for the project “Snina – a city of equal opportunities for all” took place. Our partner Roma center Ternipen, which plays an important role in the project in the field of inclusion of...
Invitation to a continuous conference with a workshop

Invitation to a continuous conference with a workshop

POZVÁNKA    na priebežnú konferenciu s workshopom „Snina – mesto rovnakých príležitostí pre všetkých“,   v rámci programu „Miestny rozvoj, znižovanie chudoby a inklúzia Rómov“,  ktorá sa uskutoční dňa 08.06.2022  V Spoločenskej sále v Dome kultúry, Strojárska 2060/95,...
Perceive with your heart, not your eyes

Perceive with your heart, not your eyes

On November 24, 2021, the opening conference for the project “Snina – a city of equal opportunities for all” was held. One of our partners, the Salvation Army in Slovakia, led by Major Josef Knoflíček, also presented at this conference. His lecture...
Every person should get a real opportunity

Every person should get a real opportunity

Have you heard of the Salvation Army? What is his mission and experience in helping the weakest in society? The Salvation Army is one of the largest armies in the world. However, it mainly fights against poverty and inequality in society. It is an international...
Inclusive approaches at the local level

Inclusive approaches at the local level

Why is it necessary to develop a local Roma inclusion strategy? What are the support mechanisms for local inclusive tools? In his presentation “Inclusive approaches at the local level”, the representative of the Slovak government for Roma communities,...